Episode 257: Jon Levy
How Influence Works
Is our behavior truly our own? Or do our choices grow out of our environment? There are influences all around each of us, and often the walking talking version of influencers ends up shaping the behavior of the people around them in ways that are not always visible.
Jon Levy is a behavior scientist and the founder of the Influencers Dinner. He is also an author. His latest book is called You're Invited: The Art and Science of Connection, Trust, and Belonging, and his previous work is titled The 2 AM Principle: Discover the Science of Adventure. Through the use of models, Jon has studied the science of influence and in what ways to both change what influences are affecting you, and how to use influences to affect a change in your behaviors.
Jon and Greg discuss Jon’s work, how to level yourself up by surrounding yourself with the right people, how people become friends, and the surprising camaraderie that happens when you ask strangers to work and make food together. Jon also examines how behavior can become contagious, and the surprising reasons why you might not want your child to grow up to be an Olympian.
*unSILOed Podcast is produced by University FM.*
Episode Quotes:
Adventure is a way to build a muscle for social skills
09:38: Adventure is a fantastic process to live an interesting, exciting, potentially creative life. It's a fantastic way to bond with people that you adventure with, and more importantly, it is an incredible way to build the muscle of social skills and tolerance for discomfort, and social discomfort. These are skills that are essential in just about anything you'd want to do in life.
03:08: If we can understand the mechanics of how relationship works, just like how an adventure works, suddenly things become possible that otherwise would be impossible.
How do you establish meaningful interactions?
41:33: Regardless of how introverted, extroverted, or shy you might be, just start gathering people or go and participate in other people's gatherings.
On cultivating community
39:39: If you want to be more active in cultivating community around you, you need consistent opportunities for people to engage with each other. So it's not just about me knowing you, me knowing your friend, and me knowing 20 other people. It's how do I get them to know each other.
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Recommended Resources:
Guest Profile:
Jon Levy on TED Salon: Brightline Initiative
Jon Levy on Talks at Google